“Glass Creamer and Lemon Slices” is an original still life painting, done with oil on panel.
It captures a moment of complete stillness, with a simple glass creamer filled with water reflecting lemon slices and a green napkin.
Measuring 5 x 5 inches, it is set in a flat panel black frame with a beveled edge. The outer dimensions of the frame are 10 x 10 inches.
Read more about this painting below.
Glass Creamer and Lemon Slices
“Glass Creamer and Lemon Slices” is an original still life painting, done with oil on panel.
It captures a moment of complete stillness, with a simple glass creamer filled with water reflecting lemon slices and a green napkin.
Measuring 5 x 5 inches, it is set in a flat panel black frame with a beveled edge. The outer dimensions of the frame are 10 x 10 inches.
Read more about this painting below.
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